My London experience @ Flanders Investment & Trade

I actually can’t believe I’m already more than half way through my internship at Flanders Investment and Trade. So far it has been a great experience! Not only have I completely fallen in love with London, I have also learned a lot about the business world here.

My main job here at Flanders Investment & Trade is to guide Belgian companies to the UK market. If a Flemish company is looking into doing business here in the UK, they can submit a query at FIT. Usually they ask for contact details of manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers in a certain industry to expand their network overseas. However, it also happens that companies are looking for market information to determine if the UK market can be beneficial for them.

Next, the research part begins. I gather information by contacting relevant trade associations, make up lists of relevant contacts and advise on the next steps to be taken when entering the market.

What keeps it interesting for me is the fact that the incoming requests are always about different industries, which I believe will be very useful for me in the future.

I can’t wait to see what the next month and a half has in store for me. I’m afraid I won’t want to leave this city!
